Sign up to get an initial assessment and your complimentary call:
A better overall well-being starts by taking control of your finances!
Overcome constant financial struggle and improve your relationship with money for good!
🫣 I can never complete my savings and I continue using the "I deserve this!" mentality that makes me feel guilty about spending.

😵‍💫 It's frustrating to see little to no progress with DIY financial tips from books and videos. I lack motivation to implement what I learn.

🫢 I want a way out of the 9-5 life, but transitioning to a job or even location feels overwhelming and scary to me. I don't know where to start.

😬 Money talk make me feel uneasy, and I find it difficult to discuss financial matters with my loved ones or even with my friends.

😭 I struggle to trust financial decisions I make and I end up backing out when there are opportunities in front of me.
How many of these statements can you relate to?
If you answered YES to any of it, you're not alone. All these thoughts used to run through my head too!

I grew overwhelmed by money for a long time, so naturally, it was easier for me to do  nothing  instead.

MY MINDSET BEFORELet's deal with money once there's more of it, you know?
A never-ending chase for higher income is not always the answer. 
Even though I was earning a six-figure income overseas, achieving my goals, starting investments, or saving money was still difficult. Earning more didn't help. 

It only meant working, stressing, and spending MORE to de-stress. It was such an exhausting cycle! 😭

It was then I realized that having more income doesn't automatically solve all our problems like we're led to believe. In fact, it amplified my bad money behaviors and made me more afraid of making financial mistakes. 

All these fears kept me from taking action and made me feel stuck.

It took me some time to realize that my unwanted financial struggles were due to a hidden cause that I wasn't aware of. The sustainable solution that transformed my financial life was working towards a better relationship with money. 

I learned about its technicalities step-by-step and paired it with a much needed overhaul of my financial mindset. 

It had to be done together because if money were all about math, the smartest ones would live the best lives now, but that's hardly the case, right?
You do not need to be like me and go through a confusing 10-year experience as a corporate employee, OFW, and cafe owner - wasting precious time with trial and error of testing things out!
Get comfortably accountable and move your goals forward despite the many distractions!
Like my client Jedi who reached her target to completely save up for her Emergency Fund! Not only that, she got the ball rolling on investments, too!
Break from old patterns and beliefs that sabotage you from the life YOU really want!
Be accountable without being pressured, as my client says:
Hi, there! I'm
Your RFP-certified personal finance coach
Believe it or not, I was once an unhappy employee. I struggled to get a jeepney ride to work, snoozed my alarm clock several times, and dragged my way to an office desk. "Is this it?!", I questioned.

Six years ago, I left my overseas IT job and blindly decided to start a cafe business with my partner. In just one year, I went from being a six-figure earner to a negative bank account. I saved. I invested. I did EVERYTHING people said, so it made no sense that I was in a worse state than in my 20s!

Clearly, the money was not the problem here. I HAD money. 

This started my new life. I dusted myself from there and armed myself with a clearer purpose, vision, learnings, and better criteria for my money decisions, all of which completely transformed my life.

I went from being a burned-out six-figure earner constantly working overtime during vacations to now being able to take vacations as much as I need to. If I had a magic wand, I would like that for you too.

According to a Forbes study, 90% of women are key financial decision-makers.

So, being able to pass on to fellow Filipinas the money mindset and management that shifted my life in the best way possible is like giving a wand to each family. 

Since 2019, I have worked with amazing Filipinas worldwide and cannot wait to find more of you! :)

If you daydream about taking big, scary, and less conventional steps, I'm all ears!!! You're my girl. It excites me to support women who feel they're meant to do something great and thirst for a much more meaningful life. ✨
This approach includes THREE PHASES consisting of 8 sessions of 60-90 min online calls spread over 3 months.
What does my 1:1 coaching process look like?
► Essential mindset shifts to kickstart sustainable actions and habits with money matters

► What ifs and why not: purpose-filled  and SMART goal-setting

► Implement easy incremental changes to re-align you back to the life YOU want

► Access some self-paced videos to further guide you on tools & strategies
► Unlock your comprehensive financial plan - your money roadmap for the year and beyond!

 Deep dive into the technicalities of investing matched to your level. Know what kind of approach will work best for you.

► Done-for-you itemized action plans tied to your goal for easy commitment

► Set yourself up for a life of abundance!
► Assessments and conversations around your drives, thought-patterns,
and biases about money

►Understand what are the influences of your money decisions through a science-backed tool

►Craft small logical achievable steps geared to correct your current issues

► Envisioning the outcome! #dreamlife
Get access to a science-based behavioral assessment of your money habits. We will uncover how you might be sabotaging your money efforts and how to improve it gradually. (worth Php 3,500)
Eight (8) 1-on-1 live coaching calls with an RFP-certified financial coach with Neuro-Linguistic Programming background. You're not only getting technical help in your finances, but we bridge what we're planning for to its execution! (worth Php 75,000)
Access to portal, worksheets, and resources which will serve as your working file while we go through your whole coaching journey. (worth Php 2,500)
Program graduates will receive a *limited edition*  Plan with Anj client kit with your comprehensive financial plan file print outs and other gifts (worth Php 4,000)
Get access to your 1:1 recording replay for self-paced reviews and reference (worth Php 1,500)
BONUS:  Get never-before-seen interviews about Building a Freelance Life from Scratch from + Trading Secrets (worth Php 6,000)
Total: Php 92,500.00
Get it NOW for just Php 33,275!
Php 33,275.00
(save Php 7,975.00)
Php 6,875.00
These amazing individuals completed my signature 1:1 coaching program with me. See more client feedback HERE!
What some               clients have to say:
Doctor, Philippines
The most enjoyable part was learning more about myself and my relationship with money the way I've never known before. I have gone from "I don't know what to do with my money" to having a 5-year plan. Anj is very inspiring and understanding about your situation. She helps you find alternatives and expand your choices. And she empowers you even more to be the best version of yourself. One of the best decisions during my moonlighting journey! 💯
I owe my money mindset growth to Ms. Anj. I would leave her messages from time to time to make her aware of how she helped me because she deserves to know the impact of her coaching. Happy to report that my goals and dreams before are now turning into reality! I've seen a huge progress when it comes to my money mindset and my relationship towards money. I wouldn't be able to do it without your guidance. Thank you Ms. Anj! 🤍
Here are more feedbacks from Filipino professionals:
1) I live outside the Philippines. Can I still join?
2) Is this a way for me to sign up for insurance?
3) I'm ready to start what are the next steps?
The 1:1 coaching program is best suited for Filipina professionals and business owners anywhere in the globe with a decent internet connection. Ideally for professionals between the ages of 23 to 38 years old. 
Nope, this is NOT THE PROGRAM for you if your main intention is just to get an insurance policy! 
After registering for the waitlist here, you will receive an assessment form via e-mail. You must complete this form. Next, a complimentary 30-minute call will be scheduled to determine your eligibility further.
4) Do you have a money-back guarantee?
Yes, a full refund is claimable within 14 days of payment, and the coaching sessions have not started.
5) What are the accepted payment methods? 
You can pay via BPI, Unionbank, Gcash, or Paypal.
Money touches every aspect of your life. If you improve your relationship with money, you improve a lot of things as a ripple effect.
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